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【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:19 PM
Have you ever wished you could just, pick things up? With your hands? So do we. But unfortunately we live in a world created by a GUY WHO THINKS COMPUTER SCIENCE JOKES ARE FUNNY!
They can be lol.
So the punchcards mentioned briefly are actually these things called captcha cards
It's basically Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon -- pokemon in that u can just put things inside the cards, yugioh in that, they're cards
Front of the card shows u what you put in it, back shows u a captcha (yes captcha) that represents the item
If you use the punch designix u can input the words n number combo and translate it into punchcards, readable by the totem carver, readable by the item maker
You might be wondering. Why the fuck is the totem carver a step
And not just integrated into the item maker. Just put the card in get an item out
And you'd be right lol
They just merge that shit by panel like 1500
Never see a totem lathe again
I guess it forces the player to interact w the cruxtruder
But like
If you're getting rid of the totem who cares
Just say none of the machines work until you free the kernelsprite (edited)
Anyway will be a sec
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:33 PM
Okay back
Sylladexes are fun!!!!
So you might look at your captcha cards and be like (edited)
Why can't I hold, all these cards!
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:34 PM
that picture will never not make me laugh
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:34 PM
Changed the channel name.
That's good bc that's why I posted it :3
If I was home I'd have photoshopped that to have him holding a bunch of blank captcha cards
Homestuck operates on computer science joke logic
And the first few characters we meet
All have very silly mathy inventory systems
Sure, you may think video games nowadays have unique and fun inventory systems
But how many of those require you to, like, do math on the value of the letters subtracting for vowels adding for consonants, to figure out what inventory slot your item goes in? Forcing you to be creative w what you call shit?
Or, like, operate on tree sorting algorithm logic, where the biggest items become the root of the tree, and unbalanced leaves fall out of your inventory
Or like get silly w it
Fuckin, draw on a drawing tablet to get your items out of your inventory
Use a Ouija board to summon your items
Grab em from where they're crumpled up inside the empty wine bottles from your like, semi-real wine cabinet!!!
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:39 PM
Mario kart modus! Yugioh Duel Dex! the possibilities are endless and all very silly
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:39 PM
It's one of the, imho, more fun aspects of the Infinite Sorting Ceremony esp bc u can simply choose to switch your modus out for boring ass Array modus at any time
Every single character has the option to just
Choose their cards from a list
And they all choose not to
Which is deeply fucking funny to me.
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:40 PM
wheres the fun in a sane inventory
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:40 PM
And it can also reveal like, bits abt your character
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:40 PM
sometimes you want to accidentally launch a can of shaving cream across the wilderness
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:41 PM
Jake English action hero ofc has the inventory system from Resident Evil 4, except absurd bc it's gigantic and he should've never run out of space except one of the cards is literally a fucking building his grandma told him to hang on to
Like. I stan
And John fucking launching cards from his inventory bc he can only pick the card at the top of the deck, spewing shards of glass and cake everywhere
Good shit
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:43 PM
ooh, idle game sylladex where you need to buy back your items for ever more ludicrous amounts of Arbitrarium
ahyperLUL 1
just a little dude swinging a pickaxe in the corner of your screen forever and sometimes you grab something and shove it into your inventory cause itll help the lil guy mine faster
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:45 PM
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:45 PM
doom sylladex
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:45 PM
Send your Funko pops to the Funko mine
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:45 PM
doesnt hold any items
but it runs doom
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:45 PM
Nft sylladex
Will spit out 10,000 randomly generated variations of your item, SELLING FAST! GET IN ON IT NOW
All are fucking garbage
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:46 PM
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:46 PM
But if you're lucky
U can sell it to some alligators
And make sweet boondollars
Goddamn, uh, roguelike sylladex
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:47 PM
why are alligators so dang gullible
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:47 PM
Put in your item and it could be way better
But if you take damage while using it for x amount of time following taking it out
You lose the item
Basically chaos boons lol
Bet your skill against the benefit of the boost
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:48 PM
great up until you stub your toe and your phone vanishes from existence
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 07:49 PM
Shouldn't have taken that!!!
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 07:49 PM
sonic sylladex
its just array except every time you get hit everything fucking explodes out of you like a pinata
ahyperLUL 1
you do get iframes tho
which is very helpful in real life
fun fact! you can alchemize sylladexes
so you could combine the sonic sylladex and the roguelike sylladex to make a sylladex that deletes your inventory every time you take damage :O
the sansladex
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:01 PM
OH you also get a new really good grist reward every 100 unique cards wout getting damaged (edited)
For the Sonic one
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 08:02 PM
i mean that would be pretty great
i do like free stuff
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:02 PM
So is being Sonic the Hedgehog!
But also
If you have no cards on you and fucking anything touches you
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 08:03 PM
r i p
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:03 PM
Sylladexes are one thing
There's also the strife deck
Very similar but slightly different
Weapon slot as opposed to inventory slot
And for each type of weapon, you get infinite slots (I think?? Or maybe by the time you start doing weapon upgrades, how many cards you have becomes irrelevant)
But! You can only register one kind of strife weapon per strife abstratus
Everyone across reality gets one free one on their thirteenth birthday
And u can choose from a vast list of different kinds of weapons
I actually like
hope you like hammers bro!!
You can get multiple if u want, but for the sake of like
Restrictions breeding creativity
Most players stick w one
John has to think of more and more goofy and elaborate and powerful hammers
Yeah he could get a riflekind abstratus but like
Why lol
He likes hammers :3
Strife specibi are just like, one of a bajillion comedy props Homestuck can decide to use at any time
As well as being a unifying part of the art style
Most power progression for players involves upgrading weapons within their specibus
Cool new swords or rifles or swords or canes
Or, very memorably and iconically, dice
Anyway yes
See, the front and back of a blank strife abstratus, and two examples of assigned ones
I have no recollection what the 3 boxes on the side do
And I'm 100% sure neither does Andrew Hussie
God Homestuck really does operate on Dora the Explorer logic doesn't it
Go inside the computadora
Get commands and then proceed
Giant mouse
Fuckin. Animal friends
I think that's more or less everything for sylladexes and strife specibi
There's like, a fuckin, wallet modus too
That's the only actually important one to point out
All other moduses are like
In the Game Inventory
In like
A vague and inexplicable way
But the wallet modus is just
A wallet that you put cards in
It's one of very very few w physical tangibility
And so losing it sucks lol
But also facilitates certain plot points in Homestuck
Knowing John's dad has a wallet is goddamn vital information
Anyway. That's really it for now
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 08:22 PM
the wallet also has like
no size limit
can just stuff a car in your wallet
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:22 PM
It's morreeee or less the best one?
Avatar aorticAblution
can just stuff a car in your wallet
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:22 PM
John's dad carries a spare car in his wallet luckily
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 08:23 PM
its a damn good wallet
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:23 PM
The physicality of it is definitely the only drawback. U can lose it
It's not backed by the blockchain
Oh god
Is Homestuck just fucking
Nfts the webcomic?
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 08:23 PM
oh no
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:23 PM
Each Sburb session
Is infinitely customizable
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 08:24 PM
viri no please stop
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:24 PM
But does come at the small cost of Literally Unhyperbolically destroying the planet
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 08:24 PM
dont go into the Light
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 08:24 PM
I will simply
From the joke that Homestuck makes abt crypto
Because that joke sucks and was dated the second it game out
Instead I'll generate every consort to be part of a unique series of 10,000 bubble salamanders
Avatar 【SKAIA】
If I was home I'd have photoshopped that to have him holding a bunch of blank captcha cards
【SKAIA】 14-Jan-22 01:10 AM
🤣 1
@aorticAblution i never joke
too many limes modus
wait doesnt jade like
actually have that
aorticAblution 14-Jan-22 01:11 AM
the memory one?
match the fruit!
【SKAIA】 14-Jan-22 01:12 AM
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