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【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 02:47 PM
Now that you know baaaaasically everything there is to know about Derse and Prospit
Where are they like
Relative to the rest of the games structures
Basically, this
That is
The Medium, as drawn by chalk and oil on the walls and floor of a lil dude's fallout bunker.
Over here is Prospit
A golden lunar object hovering in the center of Skaia
Below it is the Battlefield
Then you've got the player's Lands
Slash planets
Will get to that later
And then past the Veil is Derse
Allll the way on the other side.
What is, the Veil!
The veil is a ring of meteors surrounding the whole like
Blue sky area
As represented by the chalk drawings.
This is what it actually looks like
And here's a different diagram I found.
I'm gonna admit something real quick
I have
This whole time
Been confusing The Medium with The Incipisphere
Mostly because one word has cool relevance to like, theater and performance and art
And the other fucking sucks
I'll say what Hussie meant by those terms
And then ignore them from here on.
So, I thought that The Medium was the Place You Go When Youre Inside The Game
Turns out
That's the Incipisphere
The Medium (edited)
Is only the stuff inside the ring of meteors, it's only what's inside the veil
Don't like that, because it's just, kinda weird!
I'm just gonna
Pretend the whole things the medium.
And that there's The Veil but it's just a ring
The veil is important because it's got meteors on it.
And these meteors are important for two main reasons
One, they're autogenerated by the game and contain a lot of labs and shit, that are useful for doing a lot of the game mechanics stuff. Cloning and the like. NPCs also use the meteors for cloning, not just the players. Exiles are sent to the meteors.
Exile Stations are buried inside of meteors.
Which (edited)
I'll get to
But the thing to know is that
The carapscian bearer of a fully-prototyped ring
Can begin The Reckoning.
Usually that means bringing the meteors in the veil down, as well as activating the insanely deadly Red Miles attack
And because, holy shit that's a lot of meteors, the game "defends" you from these by placing portals alll around the Veil, that only activate during the Reckoning.
Most of these meteors go through these portals and never hit the Battlefield, meaning you're safe! Yay!
Except that, they've gotta go somewhere.
Skaia, like, the entity, has them, uh
Pelt your home planet?
Causing its total annihilation?
Which is
For you.
And so you might be wondering
That fucking sucks
Can't we just stop the meteors from launching
Or like
Blow them up first or something
Blow them up!!! Are you crazy! There are innocent babies on those meteors what are you talking about how cruel are you
Uh huh. Why would I care about a couple babies over preventing the destruction of the earth
Dear reader
The baby
Is you
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