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faq / EXILES
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【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 05:24 PM
Luckily this one should be easier.
Exiles are Carapascians (usually important ones, like king/queen/jack but who knows) who lose their position in lunar monarchy/the life they'd been living because of the direct action of the Sburb players. They end up in the Veil, and are sent down to the player's home planet on meteors during the Reckoning.
The whole, thing, w them, is that Hussie wanted to have a section where he didnt have to use reader commands for the comic, but didnt feel comfortable just making them up yet
So he made a watsonian explanation for it, that, like, oh, the command prompt is being hijacked by this wacky guy!
That role was later expanded into, like, this whole thing abt carapascian exiles. Basically, Skaia sends them to the dead planets after players play Skaia in hopes that they will one day rebuild civilization to the point that a new species will be able to play Sburb again
There is usually one exile per player, give or take, and each exile is assigned an "Exile Station"
This station is located in the meteor that lands on the players' house -- will be elaborated on in the Entry section
And the station is based on the Entry item -- again, will be elaborated on then.
The exile stations have some skaiatech like the cloning whatsists, but most important are these like, viewing screens
W a computer terminal.
Exiles can type into them much like the reader can type in the suggestion box
aaand (edited)
they're really
barely important.
they're mostly there for The Funny
or for lore reveals
which they serve pretty well!
but like
really barely matters.
only other thing is that Seers, generally speaking, can see the prompts Exiles type
so like, by the virtue of the exiles being far far far into the future, seers can use this advantage to communicate w their exile and learn abt How Things Happen
that's why almost all seers in every class can do A Kind of futuretelling
Changed the channel name.
OH yeah also the funny includes their initials
WV is wandering vagrant or wayward vagabond or
Warweary Villein, Wizardly Vassal, Wastelandic Vindicator, Wandering Vagrant
people really like the exiles bc the Midnight Crew (the dersite carapascian face card guys) are fun mobsters
that they get to like
put their spin on
in their version of the exile planet
ive seen like, midnight crew futurewave cybergangsters
which was very fun
shit like that!!!
but also,
it's not,
if ur sticking to a stripped down canon, exiles are there for typing commands in that help preserve causality (sometimes), and for reviving the dead planet (eventually)
which, kudos to Jack, he actually did
man literally, reinvented society and civilization
specifically to do organized crime within it
so they can be fun! but they're npcs and just (edited)
out of
the five groups of people being fought in the final battle of hs
3 are exiles or related to them
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