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【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 05:39 PM
The first phase of Sburb is basically, like, The Sims. Except the sim is your close friend, and if you dont get the sim to finish the crafting tutorial, their house gets hit by a meteor.
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 05:40 PM
talk about hostile design
crowd boos
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 05:41 PM
And if they do finish it, the meteor crashes anyway, but at least your friend's house gets teleported into the Medium a millisecond before impact. (edited)
Fuck the word incipisphere I know it's correct but medium just is fucking better
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 05:42 PM
this is homestuck we left the idea of correct behind long ago
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 05:43 PM
so the crafting tutorial is as such
and most of these words mean fuckin nothing
except kernelsprite that one is important
lmao we got this far and havent mentioned prototyping at all yet
homestuck works on asymmetric coop multiplayer
one person is using the wii u gamepad, building and editing the other player's home, placing items down, etc. the other player is inside of the video game
only a few items are necessary for the tutorial
and theyre mostly for introducing a mechanic we are going to be like
thoroughly ignoring the intricacies of
alchemy works thru, fuckin, computer science jokes.
and its just abt encoding and reencoding like
captcha codes
from captchas
into physical objects
which the game's crafting system can understand as, the platonic ideal of the object
platonic ideals are actually weirdly important to homestuck
and then u spend in-game building currency, grist, to actually Make the damn thing
and by u i mean the player on the wii u gamepad (server player)
first you get a "cruxite dowel"
which is like
its in this big fucking thing called the cruxtruder
also i have to eat dinner
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 05:52 PM
oh no does that mean i have to take over
ok heres how entry works
you get a magic cylinder and a magic punch card, you put em in a machine that cuts the cylinder the way the card says, and then you put the cylinder in another thing that makes a glowy magic whateverthefuck that's vaguely personally relevant
using the fancy magic thing you get makes your house vanish and then voila youre in the game
does any of this matter? not really it serves no purpose in a story or gameplay sense except to facilitate the fucky aroundy nature of homestuck act one
which is why my vote is entry is something way simpler-- the magic something item just comes with your free crafting workbench and its just a matter of figuring out how to use it or die trying
once you figure yours out the next person in the matchmaking lobby has theirs spawn in or some shit
the point is homestuck is stupid and while theres stuff we want to steal and play with or else we wouldnt be here planning this rp theres also a lot thats just
who tf cares
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 05:59 PM
only reason I mention the cruxtruder is that the kernelsprite is there
The thing we've been not talking abt for like 7 years lol
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:00 PM
oh right yeah
you get a magic glowy ball, throw a thing in it, and the ball takes on the form of that thing
its got a real soft spot for corpses
then it basically becomes your tutorial npc filtered through whatever got thrown in
chuck in a clown? your tutorial npc cackles madly and helps not ay all
also, when you enter the game, all the enemies get the traits of whatever the heck you tossed in too
now all your enemies for the rest of the game are clowns
have fun with that
finally, you can actually throw two things into your glowy ball and they will just kind of get mushed together
throw your dead grandmothers' ashes in after you're in the game? now youve got clown granny haunting you and whispering that you need to push start to open thet menu
and since you were wise enough to throw her in after entering the game, you dont have to fight trash mobs with a beloved family members' face
but wait! what if! we dont throw in anything before we jump in! then our enemies wont have any extra abilities like... clowning... or arthritis...
except no, not prototyping anything is a Bad Move and breaks the game so make sure to use something
like itll let you enter but it breaks a bunch of important flags and shit its a very poorly designed game really
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:08 PM
U can also use it as another revival method
Dead friend? Prototype em!
Need to god tier, but your dream self is deceased and moon bed blowed up? Prototype your dream corpse! (edited)
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:09 PM
surely there could be nothing existentially horrifying about turning your own dead body into a tutorial npc
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:09 PM
merged ofc w the corpse of your beloved godpet
dreamjade had it
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:10 PM
so yeah! fun
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:13 PM
Your entry item is also
What your exile station will look like
So it's like that fun irony of. If u don't figure this item out. it will kill you dead
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:14 PM
great game 10/10 would play again
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:15 PM
1 and a half hats out of five
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:18 PM
realtalk i think mr bro (if that is his real name) had the best playthrough of sburb possible
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:24 PM
As in he simply
Did not?
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:24 PM
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:25 PM
Died as he lived
Crushed by flaming rocks
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:25 PM
high as fuck
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you get a magic cylinder and a magic punch card, you put em in a machine that cuts the cylinder the way the card says, and then you put the cylinder in another thing that makes a glowy magic whateverthefuck that's vaguely personally relevant
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:27 PM
Cylinder machine is called the cruxtruder, u hit it w something heavy and the spring lock top opens, and that's where the first dowel and the kernelsprite come from. Also the moment u do this a countdown timer on the front of the cruxtruder begins -- that's the timer for the meteor
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:27 PM
tho its not like if you dont open the thing the meteor wont hit you lol
now you just get to see how long you have to figure out how to eat an apple made out of mysterious blue crystal
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:31 PM
U take the raw cruxite material from the cruxtruder, put it into the Totem Lathe
I think this is a lathe of heaven joke
Basically this is where you program what thing u want the cruxite to actually, represent
U do that with punchcards
Funny computer science joke.
We'll get to punchcards in slightly more detail in the sylladex thread which is ONE OF THE VERY LAST ONES FUCK YES
U click carve or whatever, the dowel converts ur punchcard binary into an analog -- oh god, have I become the computer scientist making jokes
Instead of grappling w that I am going to go to the final part of alchemy, the alchemiter
Big ol quad air conditioner sized platform w a lazer arm
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:34 PM
you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:35 PM
U put the carved dowel on a little scanny platform, and a lazer arm scans the value, and the machine subtracts the materials to make the thing from your inventory, and then, makes the thing!
In the tutorial you get a punched card for free, and that's what u put in the totem lathe, and that makes your thematically relevant entry item
John had to eat an apple (LIKE THE BROBLE NUMBNUTS), Rose broke a glass bottle, Dave cracked an egg, Jade uhhhh
Shot a pinata w a gun????
So the thing abt witches
They're change
But from the storytelling perspective they're also, like, The Odd One
So a lot of Jadeisms are reflected both in Feferi (Witch of Life) and Kanaya (Sylph of Space)
I don't know where I was going with this
Just wanted to point out like
Witches be pattern breaking yo
Once you finish your entry puzzle!
Your house gets teleported, unless you're the space player, in which case it's your house and a nearby volcano
And the kernelsprite, which you better have fuckin prototyped, splits into 2
The sprite part is the tutorial npc and is, a bit of a mess. Maybe its own thread. Will get to it later
The kernel is just a copy of the data
It too is a computer science joke
Bc, get it, like operating system kernel, like fundamental way it works
And also like a kernel of an idea, because blah blah blah blah blah
Anyway. Splits into light and dark, one half to Prospit one half to Derse
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Your house gets teleported, unless you're the space player, in which case it's your house and a nearby volcano
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:41 PM
isnt it neat how one in twelve people lives by a convenient active volcano
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isnt it neat how one in twelve people lives by a convenient active volcano
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:41 PM
skaian defense portals 🥱 (edited)
hate that it's like
oh cool mystical coincidence
no, a robot god decided where you grow up
didn't want to not know that my girlfriend and I were the two titans of life and doom and that we were turned into these because my former self pressed the self destruct button on skaia for some fucking reason
I do not like Xenoblade Chronicles
But yeah kernel is transmitted to both kingdoms queens transform reflecting the prototypings and imps start spawning reflecting the prototypings too (edited)
Imps are
Just heartless kingdomhearts.
Small bug guys big bug guys
Reflect the world or main idea of where they come from
But instead of like, Jade's planet's imps reflecting her prototyping and only Jade's
Every prototyping stacks
Enjoy fighting
Very fucked up lil dudes lol
They're still mostly cute tho
I want someone to throw in a Lego Minifigure of a Droid from the clone wars
And then the imps will be a species made solely of himbos
It'll be great
What else. Oh yeah
Build upwards
Your server player is still doing the whole the Sims thing technically
And u probably don't have a jetpack or other mobility option yet
So kill dudes and use that to get to your first gate, which'll warp u to your first questing area on your Land
Okay lands are genuinely fun
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:47 PM
unless you have a helpful tinkerbell or happen to be curious if typing pchooooo into the punch card thingy makes something neat
ok here we go
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:47 PM
Every single player gets! A whole ass planet to themselves.
Name scheme goes as follows
and then everyone ingame refers to your Land as
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:48 PM
what was the plan for kikos land again
it was great
land of refuse and xyloplankton
aka lorax
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:49 PM
Usually your name for your Land is either, thematically relevant, or something to do w like, Noble gases or the Greek concept of the elements or some shit
My fucking god
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:49 PM
and the quest was about fighting pollution
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:49 PM
We keep just
Inventing the Lorax again
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:49 PM
there are worse things to reinvent
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:50 PM
Like homestuck
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:50 PM
eyes the gdoc open on my computer
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land of refuse and xyloplankton
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:50 PM
Can we give O'Hare girl kikos land
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:50 PM
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:50 PM
No no I love Homestuck I just hate the fuckijn
Hope its drenched in
The negativity is rage and it's good bc it's telling us where to cut
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:50 PM
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:50 PM
I genuinely do fucking love HS
It makes me smile I love spending my time w it
This wiki shit
Some of the mechanics explaining
Not fun
And it sucks bc I loved almost every second of the classpecting wiki part
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:51 PM
it is fun! its a lot fo fun
but... yeah
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:51 PM
J do believe it's salvageable
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:51 PM
almost there, tho
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:52 PM
I'm sure I'll fuckin
Write my leprechaun treatise another day
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:52 PM
its salvageable you just need to slice away all the, you know, awful shit
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:52 PM
Aranea lives within me sadly
I should throw in more 8s
Just make this less readable
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:52 PM
so thats where she went after game over
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:52 PM
Got dropped in lava right
Swallowed up by light
That's the opposite of what happened
Her ring got got
aorticAblution 12-Jan-22 06:53 PM
fade away and we never see her again
【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 06:53 PM
Good ending snug
Fuck you, troll Lucy van Pelt snug
Okay I think that's the bulk of Sburb entry
Oh shit forgot the chain
Basically bc it's asymmetric multiplayer, but you can only enter by being the host player for someone else who's the server player, your party forms a loop
John connects to Jade connects to Dave connects to Rose connects to John
that's it
That really barely matters after entry
Only determines like
What exile station for whose exile
(Johns exile goes to Rose's station, bc she was his server player, etc etc etc)
And so yeah!
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