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【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 02:11 PM
Most of the stuff from the carapscian guide is bullshit and irrelevant
And honestly
So is this
In canon for the first group of protagonists, it only really had to do with Jade
Who spent a lot of time sleeping.
It was part of her mystery. Why can she seemingly tell the future? Why does she have a robot? What is this weird gleaming city of gold.
Short answer, Hussie skimmed a Wikipedia page abt Freud's theory of the subconscious and was like "cool"
Or some other goddamn philosopher. Idk.
Part of the endless sorting ceremony that is Homestuck is choosing which "moon" your character goes to
Are they a Derse Dreamer, or a Prospit Dreamer?
are you from derse or prospit, take this quirky quiz obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids
could i interest you in everything, all of the time
a bit of everything, all of the time
hiveswap was a tragedy hs2 was a crime
anything and everything all of the time
yeah tisky you're gonna like the doom aspect
The dream self is a game mechanic that, if a player who Will Play The Game can realize that they have a dream self, basically means they can roam around in a sort of spectator mode.
Sessions' parties are split in half, w half being Prospit dreamers and half being Derse
Do these people need to choose, like, good or evil, or fuckin, does it reflect basically anything at all
Not really??? I think it does
But I can't remember it.
Basically because Homestuck is an endless sorting hat each kid gets their own very customizable room both irl and in their "dream"
And it's like supposed to reflect their subconscious desires or who the fuck knows
You can definitely, uh, fuck w the nightmares of those who haven't had their dreamselves woken up yet?
John had a creepy clown in his room and had horrific nightmares about clowns his whole life
Which his dad misinterpreted as "my boy dreams of clowns! I will buy him clowns." Which led to the clowns being involved in the game customization process, and then the evil clowns went back in time and placed a creepy clown in John's room so that he'd have nightmares about it and thus guarantee their own circular existence
Is the rage element
So we literally
Can only just
Move past it
Game mechanics wise! You can actually use your dream self as an extra life. In canon, because, y'know, post Shrek cynical fairy tale, you kiss the person's dead body, and then their dream self (if still alive) takes over as the main body instead
We uh
Jan and I were probably gonna scrap the whole kiss mechanic. Coz. Gross.
One thing to note tho, is that dream selves actually normally retain mostly separate memory from the normal self
I mean try and remember your dream while you're awake
Same is true backwards
There are obv exceptions to this
(prince of heart, destroyer of the distributed self, is just The Same Conscious Mind The Whole Time)
(he also kills the main bodies of nearly everyone in his session)
(destroyer of the distributed self)
(tho kudos to him for immediately reviving everyone as their dreamselves)
The other time you'd merge with your dream self is when you GOD TIER!!!!
This is kinda not directly relevant to the like
Experience of the dream self
But they're relevant to each other and I don't have a ton to say abt each.
God tiering is the process of achieving Homestuck classpect godhood.
You get cool god pajamas w the color scheme of your aspect and the outfit style of your class
And become instantly way more powerful w your classpect.
God tier John breath for example (edited)
Can turn into wind, or summon hurricanes n shit.
Do the windy thing, so to speak.
God tier Jade gets way more literal use of her powers, able to grow and shrink shit on command, and can teleport anywhere in the universe instantly.
(tho that's also tied to a different relevant powerup she got at the same time)
(oh fuck, guardians) (edited)
(are we gonna -- fuck that. Not gonna interact w First Guardians or Guardians at all yet)
It lets you do, basically, god shit.
And it also stops you from aging (kinda, it works in the comic book superhero way where you'll progress in age before u like, kinda just stop)
And if you die and it's lame then you get to immediately come back.
This is determined by the like
Metaphorical slash literal clock
Ticking down to your death.
If you die, it ticks --
If it lands on JUST, it's because you were a piece of shit, and your death is satisfying
If it lands on HEROIC, your sacrifice was worthy, and you will be greatly missed, but your contribution will never be forgotten
And if it lands in the middle -- it just wasn't yet your time.
And you get to come back.
How does one achieve God Tier?
Or, as a really fucking dumb fandom meme from literally well over a decade ago posits, how does one do get tiger?
In order to Get Tiger, the player must die on their Quest Bed.
They've got two opportunities for using it -- one quest bed is on their planet
The other is inside of the core of their moon
Dying on your planet quest bed usually means you immediately wake up as your dreamself, who is now sporting windy pajamas
If you don't have a dreamself anymore bc they died, uh, better try reviving them!
Or you maybe like, just don't GT.
But you're not totally SOL.
If you can somehow get to the center of your moon, either as your dream self or as your waking self, and die on the quest bed there, then you're good
That one doesn't need you to have both selves for some reason.
Tho, tbf, almost always it's the dream self that uses the moon crypt bed
Only one player I can think of who wasn't the dream self used it, and he was a hope player
So really who knows
It's probably fine.
So yeah. That's GTing very briefly explained
As well as the dream self
Unless I'm missing anything major
Jan and I were gonna maybe retool how this worked but
I'll get to our like, Homebrew mechanics in the "how to mod your copy of sburb" thread.
Prospit Dreamers can stare at the clouds of Skaia -- Since Skaia is the story itself, they can basically, like, in the comic, look at arbitrary panels from the future (or past??? Or present??????) that Skaia chooses to show them. In this RP, it'll probably be, glimpses of DMs or something lol
Since Derse dreamers are obviously on Derse and not Prospit, staring into the sky lets them communicate with the Horrorterrors of the Third Ring
Stupid Lovecraft parody
Is this relevant?
Almost never
Do Prospit dreamers ever use the cloud mechanic?
Jade does in the beginning, and then her dream self dies symbolizing a loss of innocence and a sacrificing of that part of her in order to Play The Game, and never after that
John briefly for a joke about Hook (1991)
Never again after that really.
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