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【SKAIA】 12-Jan-22 03:08 PM
Let's say, you're the main character your session. (edited)
Usually, but not always, but I'm fairly sure usually, a player on the blood/breath aspect spectrum.
And by main character I mean John Egbert equivalent.
So, like, Karkat and only karkat.
You will
At some point
Probably find or be led to a teleportation panel, or something
And find yourself to be in the Veil on a meteor
Face to face with a big ol fuckin machine!!!!
Welcome to, uh, the circumstances of your own birth. Yep. You're responsible for that now!
I hate homestuck too dw
And you might be wondering
Homestuck introduced these concepts very slowly
Over the course of
A while
But I'm gonna do it back to back and it's gonna be weird so just prep for that
Three big things: Guardians, Ectobiology, and Paradox Ghosts
These are all way less complicated than they sound
Guardians are
Basically, Hussie thought the phrase "parent or guardian" was funny
And that guardian sounded like a weird fated fantasy role thing
So he just
Made it. To be like that (edited)
Homestuck depicts human adults as how kids see them
Similar to Charlie Brown's "wah-wah"ing trumpets and off-screen hands, to the kids in Homestuck, the adults who raise them are utterly inscrutable enigmas
They don't have motives beyond whatever weird shit you see them do out of the corner of your eye and conflict is inevitable
This first animated cartoon "strife" sequence would be a format repeated down to the very last fight scene of the comic -- a bunch of kids in fighting game idle animations figuring out how to jerkily attack an adult way taller than them
But ofc Hussie couldn't leave enough alone and was like wait what if they did have, like, secret hidden motivations
And so every guardian became a secret agent of Skaia
Guiding the players of Sburb to their destinies, very often using methods that lead directly to their deaths
Broadly these guardians fit into archetypes -- Grandma, Dad, Mom, Older Brother, Weird Stuffed Corpse Of Grandpa
This holds true across universes, for some, reason,
I don't fuckin know either.
They don't need to be those archetypes but the parental gap is key to their characterization or lack thereof
A gap that Hussie fills in the entire fucking back half of the comic writing a guardianswap AU that is, admittedly, sometimes actually pretty good lol
Okay so
Uh (edited)
There is a
Branch of, science,
In homestuck,
Called Ectobiology
And it is, just, an extended Slimer Ghostbusters joke
Because you thought, John Egbert's username ectoBiologist was a reference to Slimer Ghostbusters, y'know, the guy on his shirt and on his desktop wallpaper
But actually
fuck you!
are your expectations subverted yet
good hope not Hussie sucks moving on
The basic admittedly cool scifi premise behind ectocloning is
If you have a teleporter
That can teleport anything from anywhere and anytime to where you are, right now
How does that work without causing a paradox
Because you can't teleport like, George Washington's gun to yourself while he's using it
Homestuck uses mostly Bill and Ted logic, where whatever happened in the past, is what happened and it's not changeable
(and the question of what happens if you try to change it is for later)
This unchangeable timeline of events people places things is called the Alpha Timeline
And it's
Not really as important as HS makes it out to be
And that's mostly bc HS's main villain is a guy who embodies the aspect of time itself.
The alpha timeline as it exists in HS is set up only to guarantee the creation of Lord English
Which is
But that's why it's a big topic of discussion there.
What it means for cloning is that, if you try and teleport something that was supposed to be somewhere
Instead of the object, you get Paradox Slime.
Here Roxy tries to teleport Rose to her, but Rose didn't teleport to her. That's not how things went.
The scarf did teleport to Roxy tho
So anyway.
Once you've got that slime
Ectocloning machines are set up to suck it up
And put it in a lil vat
The Big Machine actually is preprogrammed for cloning -- all John or Karkat or whoever needs to do is press the "next" button a bunch
It'll try and clone the Guardians and obviously fail
And then it'll grab the paradox slime from each of them.
This is enough DNA for the machine to perfectly magically clone the Guardians.
And in fact
The babies it makes
are the guardians!!!
That's right fuckin time travel.
Hate it too.
Then it like
Bc the guardians are split genderwise
Mixes two parents to make two kids
And those, are, you!
That's right, your older brother was your dad all along, your grandma was your mom, and your best friend is your sister
It unfortunately
I am deleting that whole thing
Basically they use it to do a wow twist you kissed your sister shitty incest reveal because star wars did it too.
Hate this comic
Long story short
Bam. Ez.
They're not home yet tho
gotta send them back in time to like
when they were born
each baby gets a single, usually stupid, gift, is teleported with that gift onto a meteor, and that meteor is activated by the black king, and redirected into a portal. Skaia determines where each meteor lands, thus guaranteeing the circumstances of your "birth" and your childhood will be such that you will be able to play Sburb.
And that's why
The meteors
Are important.
Your older brother is actually your dad, and he's a clone of himself, and he's not your dad in that he and a woman made you on purpose, he and a woman had their DNA copied and mixed by your best friend in the future, to make you.
Jesus dick
Also the chess ppl use these cloning labs to mass-produce themselves get it because cheap plastic chess sets.
I don't fucking.
I'm taking a break.
Exiles, sylladex, what the fuck does entry look like, Sburb general progression (will be very easy now that all the fucking terms are explained), relevant Homestuck memes explained
And what changes to this shit we're making
Because it is just
Way too fucking much.
As always if you're confused which you should be bc this shit sucks, just ask and I'll answer
I'll also say
I doubt we'll play with Guardians as such
The whole parent relationship theme isn't
And it's overcomplicated
And we can achieve a similar effect later.
Even Homestuck dispersed w it eventually -- the whole back half, that new session, guardians are barely relevant to the kids outside of, y'know, it being a guardianswap au
their guardians aren't relevant.
Scratching too
No no no no
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