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【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:12 PM
There are twelve classes
Changed the channel name.
Changed the channel name.
This is a generally good class guide.
Jan and I tend to ignore gender markers for classes unless it's funny.
Also ignore like, most of the stuff???? idk. if its useful its useful
I dont use it
definitely the groupings in that image should be useful for looking up inversions
The six verbs are: Change Know Exploit Take Create Destroy (edited)
I'll start with Heir
PASSIVE CHANGE CLASS: HEIR (inverse MAGE) To passively be changed by and passively change your aspect. (edited)
We like to meme that Heir is the designated protagonist class. Harry Potter is an Heir. John Egbert is an Heir. Loki from Lokidisneyplus is an Heir.
Things happen to these people and then they go along with it.
For example, a Breath Heir, like John, will passively change his aspect, Breath (Freedom/Movement/Flight/Air/Consciousness/Class consciousness????) in the world around him.
He kinda just, like, went places and did things
Got affected by Being The Wind Waker
Didn't have a ton of agency.
But so is the way of the heir
ACTIVE CHANGE CLASS: WITCH (inverse SEER) To actively change and to actively be changed by your aspect. (edited)
Witches tend to have kinda, dramatic reflections of their aspect, in both their day to day lives and their superpowers.
Jade, a Witch of Space (Birth/The Pages of the Book/Explosions/Gaslighting/Distance/Isolation/Sacrifice/The New Universe, In Waiting/Frogs) is very much affected by her aspect (edited)
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:28 PM
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:28 PM
She's isolated, she's very self sacrificing in a kinda, bad way, she's literally physically changed by her space powers. She changes the world around her very literally, with the ability to grow and shrink planets. Witches are kinda heavy material, emotionally/psychically
Oh man
We are going to get to frogs
PASSIVE KNOWLEDGE CLASS: SEER To passively know and to passively be known by your aspect. (edited)
Seers are tricky to pin down. They have, usually, a very strong grasp of their aspect and the shape of it. Considering each aspect is a twelfth of the universe, that's a fairly fuckin good understanding of things lol. But they're also sort of limited in action.
Storywise they tend to play a support role. We put Sniper TF2 as a Seer because, uh,
We put him as Seer of Hope
And we'll explain that
When you're older lolmad
ACTIVE KNOWLEDGE CLASS: MAGE To actively know, and be overwhelmed by the knowledge of, your aspect. Usually tied to some sort of change in how the Mage can percieve or interact with the world.
Mage is fun bc its one of the first classes we've gotten to with like, hidden side effects lol
Most mages have a physical disability affecting one of their senses
This is usually because of an interaction with their aspect. (edited)
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When you're older lolmad
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:34 PM
can't wait to come back to this convo in 10 years
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:35 PM
More like when we get to the hope aspect
thats one of the funny ones peri
ACTIVE EXPLOIT CLASS: KNIGHT (inverse ROGUE) To be actively exploited by, and to actively exploit, one's aspect. (edited)
Knights usually arent the biggest fans of their aspect.
While their powers are great, it comes at a fairly steep personal toll.
Usually this can involve grappling w the weight of expectations, esp with regards to interactions with their aspect. (edited)
Knight of Time (Music/The Words On The Page/Time/Loops/Entropy/Cycles/Repetition/Cryptocurrency) Dave Strider has to deal a lot w the expectations of being The Hero
knights play a lot w their expected Role in like, the arthurian sense, which is symbolism explored literally in homestuck
But they also gameplay wise are involved w the creation of the new universe
One player in almost every session is a knight
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:40 PM
Knight looked interesting to me lol
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:40 PM
And that player helps the space player to create the new universe
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:40 PM
ima basic bitch
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:40 PM
Through ofc fairly meaningless whateverstuff game mechanic that we only really hear talked about
Which I'll get to when we talk about frogs
Knight is p classic role
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 07:41 PM
if it sounds neat to you maybe its yours!
rogue always sounded neat to us and we're a Rogue of Life, so
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:41 PM
But the struggle w the role too is that, like, while u have all that power in your position, you're still subservient to your aspect
Time is a very heavy aspect, so Dave Strider had a rough go of it
You're not just the Knight with [Aspect], you're the Knight OF [Aspect]
It is kind of your king. It will dictate your path. Whether you want to, and frequently you won't want to, or not.
All this to say it's very good and fun storytelling opportunity lol
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:43 PM
the ones that looked interesting to me were Knight, Prince, and Witch lol
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:43 PM
PASSIVE EXPLOIT CLASS: PAGE (inverse THIEF) Pages are bitch ass mother fuckers.
prince is also fucking good hahah
its a scary one
that one has also secret mechanics
that page one was a joke
PASSIVE EXPLOIT CLASS: PAGE (inverse THIEF) To be passively exploited by, and to passively exploit, one's aspect.
Pages are allll about the slow burn.
They start off, uh, kinda fuckin pathetic
And I also mean that in the personality way
I'm being very harsh here because to do so is funny
Because there are pages in homestuck who suck
On purpose!!!
but like
The thing abt pages is that theyre one of very few classes that actually have like
Natural ingame progression
(ingame meaning, the class itself grows and changes)
Think, chaos boons from hades???? Lmao. You can tell where my brains at
Chaos Hades is a fully realized page of void lol (edited)
Pages are usually, storywise, unrealized or fully realized
Takes them a long, long, long time to get there.
It's a very difficult unrewarding journey
But once you climb to the top
Yeah man
That's like.
The single most powerful class
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:47 PM
So like a xianxia character except with proper pacing
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:48 PM
You got Nick Fury as fully realized Page of Mind. You got Jai Tilak as fully realized Page of Hope. You've got CHARTIC IN REAL LIFE as fully realized Page of Time
Thats canon
Vs, like, Miles Tails Prower as an unrealized Page of Mind, or Jake English as unrealized Page of Hope
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 07:48 PM
char in real life is my favorite character :snug:
snug 1
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:48 PM
if chartic has time powers irl why do I not have the completed fic of HSA
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:48 PM
Usually stories w pages in it depict pages as one or the other
W the growth happening not within its, hah, pages (edited)
Bc its just fundamentally too long of a journey to happen in a single story
Thats how longscale it tends to be
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:50 PM
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:50 PM
I also need to take a break for dinner
❤️ 1
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 07:50 PM
go eat wise viri
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 07:50 PM
should i take over?
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:50 PM
Yee, think so
Do u have pin priveleges?
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 07:50 PM
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 07:51 PM
have fun w admin
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 07:51 PM
where were we...
ah yes
just wrapped up page
ACTIVE STEAL CLASS: THIEF (inverse PAGE) To actively steal through, and actively steal from, one's aspect. (edited)
Thieves are all about taking, keeping, and hoarding, largely for their own gain. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is very easy for thieves to go too far in embracing what their class does.
Often, that's the big journey laid out at a thief's feet: finding that balance.
As an example we have the homestuck character literally everyone knows: Vriska, the Thief of Light (relevance/narrative/luck/knowledge/the spotlight)
Literally someone who steals the show, who butts her way into relevance as a main character come hell or high water.
But also someone who needs to learn to let others take the stage, and give them time to grow-- where pages take a long time to be realized, thieves rush out of the gate and start grabbing. A very impatient class.
PASSIVE STEAL CLASS: ROGUE (inverse KNIGHT) To passively steal through, and steal from, one's aspect.
Rogues are a lot more about redistribution-- rather than hoarding, a rogue shuffles their aspect around and keeps their friends and those around them supplied with it.
A rogue's journey is about balance, too, but what rogues need to learn is how to keep a little for themselves. (edited)
It's easy for rogues to give away too much, to let everyone take what they want and save nothing for themselves.
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:02 PM
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 08:02 PM
jerkagree 2
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:04 PM
Roxy, the Rogue of Void (irrelevance/obfuscation/stealth/emptiness/nothing) constantly worked to try and shield their friends using their aspect, trying to make sure they were always hidden and protected, but in doing so unwittingly put themself in center stage where they really didn't want to be.
Their arc involved learning to let themselves slip into the back to rest and act behind the scenes, to keep some void for themselves.
They also have the coolest outfit dont @ me.
and that just leaves...
the creaty folks and the destroy-y folks
ACTIVE CREATE CLASS: MAID (inverse BARD) To actively create, and be made from, one's aspect.
Maids are neat! They tend to take backseat roles narratively, working to keep things running from the background. They do a lot of maintaining their aspect, unlike thieves and rogues they can simply make their aspect ex nihilo, and on top of all that they have a tendency to become their aspect in a loose, metaphorical sort of way.
Viri, our maid of light, as the main DM is literally becoming the story of this game.
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:11 PM
Well, that's more of a Maid of Time thing, deciding the text (edited)
Wink wink wonk Aradia
But pulling relevance, deciding canon
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:11 PM
Aradia, the Maid of Time, became a sort of magical afterlife fairy guiding people through their deaths.
Avatar 【SKAIA】
But pulling relevance, deciding canon
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:12 PM
Choosing where to shine the spotlight.
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:12 PM
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:12 PM
the period made that unnecessarily intense lmao i think Topaz is around
she's a maid too so...
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:12 PM
I also, via being, a being in your screen, am made of light
I'm the white in the text of the words u read
snug 1
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:13 PM
you fool im on light mode muahahaha
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:13 PM
Backlight of your monitor
And obv w diff classes that changes too
Maid of Life (Growth/trellis/bonsai/comphet/fascism/motherhood/cooking/ceo entrepreneur born in 1964) is fascinating but lots of these specifics I want to save for aspect discussion (edited)
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:13 PM
So! Where Maids largely make and are made of...
PASSIVE CREATE CLASS: SYLPH (inverse PRINCE) To create through, and invite creation of, one's aspect
Sylphs are healers, first and foremost-- they invite you to create the aspect within yourself where you lack it!
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:15 PM
It took me this long to understand Aranea's deal
Just having it laid out there
Made me get it
Okay okay okay back on topic
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:19 PM
Sylphs struggle a lot with their aspect because they feel the ways they themselves lack it very keenly.
agree 1
They can't just snap their fingers and Be More Aspect, they have to nurture and tend to and let it grow.
crescentCecropia 11-Jan-22 08:19 PM
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:20 PM
And if they try too much, too hard, they can burn themselves out. Or worse, they can succeed beyond their wildest dreams and in doing so bring about way too much of their aspect-- and too much of anything is a bad thing.
Sylphs need therapy. Moving on.
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:22 PM
sylph of mind
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:22 PM
ACTIVE DESTROY CLASS: PRINCE (inverse SYLPH) To actively destroy, and destroy through, one's aspect.
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:22 PM
this is one of the scary ones
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:22 PM
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:23 PM
remember, aspects are like, fundamental particles in hs-adjacent stories
its a scary one because it damn well should be
to destroy an aspect in others and in themself
it's not that princes are villains
they generally speaking, want to do Good!
but they have trouble finding it
how to create a better world nondestructively
princes are kinda, burn-bright-and-hot-and-fast kinda people
yeah they do long term planning but like, with the subtlety of a brick
and they dont, like, usually enjoy it.
its destructive internally and externally
all classes can be used for positive benefits to the world
but princes have it rough trying to find out how.
wanna add anything topaz
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:26 PM
A big part of the problem is that Princes set themselves up in an adversarial role to their aspect-- and while too much of something is bad, too little is bad, too.
A Prince who says, well, it's a good thing I'm a prince, my aspect sucks ass! I'll just get rid of all of it! Is putting themselves and the people around them in a pretty bad place.
Once again, the goal is balance.
Alright, last one.
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:28 PM
bard can be scary for sure.
PASSIVE DESTROY CLASS: BARD (inverse MAID) To passively destroy, and passively through, one's aspect. (edited)
(gonna pin the old aspects one moment)
actually jan do you wanna take this
and i start setting up the aspect thread
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:32 PM
So. Bards.
Bards invite destruction-- sometimes, its destruction from their aspect almost acting through them, channeling it through themselves to break everything around them, like a force of nature. (edited)
Other times, it's almost incidental-- they invite the destruction of their aspect through the way they act, the way they are. They're bards, they inspire! And one of the things they inspire is for other people to tamp down on the aspect in question, and to suppress it within themselves.
The problem is, of course, that this sort of passive supression often leads into the passive, destructive channeling of the aspect through them when they can't suppress it any longer.
And as ever, the goal is balance-- to not simply do one or the other but to allow both to happen in a way that trims the extraneous and leaves the necessary.
That's pretty much all I have to say on the matter, and wraps up our crash course in classes.
Our Class Crourshe as Hestia so helpfully mangled.
There are two additional classes which exist outside the boundaries of the main twelve-- but those are weird special cases and don't matter for our purposes, so I'm not gonna waste my breath on them.
transientAcatalepsy 11-Jan-22 08:43 PM
thank you jansystem
aorticAblution 11-Jan-22 08:46 PM
you are welcome
【SKAIA】 11-Jan-22 08:47 PM
yeah, thats really key
balance within the class (edited)
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